This Site is Asking You to Sign In: WordPress Login Popup

You got this? “this site is asking you to sign in” – This is one of the rarest issues in a WordPress site is the pop-up login security. If I can say, In the last 10 years with WordPress, I have never met this issue before.

Unfortunately, many WordPress users posted the same issue in WordPress forums and other sites, but the final result is that I never found my problem solution.

So, where is the issue came from?

Since I think this pop-up login security comes from hosting or web server configuration, not all sites will face the same issue; it depends on your web server or the administrator who manages your server.

Fortunately, I remember this issue that happens to my old site, and the solution is relatively easy.

So here is what the pop-up looks like:

This is on my Mozilla Firefox browser.

wordpress this site is asking you to sign in

This is the Chrome browser.

wordpress sign in pop up

The URL on the address bar is something like this:


This is the quick solution (in my case):

Just use this username and password:

username: human
password: password

Viola, you can access your wp-login now.

If you can’t access your admin dashboard, then I found some alternative solutions:

  • Clear cache your browser and enable Java Scripts
  • Turn-Off Adblocker
  • Try using the private-mode
  • Delete .htaccess (in your Cpanel file management, tick the hidden file menu)
  • Disable the plugin by renaming the plugin folder
  • Disable the current wp theme by renaming your current theme

That’s all, good luck.

If you can’t solve your issue, try to find help at WP forum.

OR, If you have any other solution that works, please share your method so people can benefit.